Member Suggestion

2 October 2018

Montreal Public Health and Housing Collaborate on Data from 5000 Households

Marie-France RaynaultA document suggested by
Marie-France Raynault

* NOTE: Available only in French

Housing conditions have a significant impact on the health of individuals! The data presented in this document come from a survey of housing conditions conducted by the Regional Director of Public Health in collaboration with the Director of Housing of the City of Montreal in June 2017.

The survey covers themes on various facets of housing conditions, including safety, security, affordability, psychological and social dimensions, and access to services. The data presented in this document represent the 5000 renter households only, in part because they are much more likely to be exposed to inadequate housing conditions and suffer the consequences for their health and on the other hand, because the City of Montreal’s health and safety interventions affect the rental market almost exclusively.

The document presents data on select factors related to living conditions that may have an impact on the health or safety of the occupants (water and mold infiltration, infestations of bed bugs, cockroaches or rodents, temperature comfort), which are also known for their impact on physical and mental health. The performance of various components (windows, doors, plumbing, ventilation, etc.) is indicative of the level of building maintenance and the occurrence of these failings has been compiled and added to the data presented. Tenants’ perceptions of the size, safety and accommodation of their housing to their physical needs relate more to the social and psychological dimensions of housing and is also included in this report.

(Source: Les conditions d’habitation à Montréal selon l’enquête Habitation 2017)

Suggested Document

Les conditions d’habitation à Montréal selon l’Enquête Habitation 2017

David Kaiser, Céline Plante. Les conditions d’habitation à Montréal selon l’enquête Habitation 2017, Montréal, Direction régionale de santé publique du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, 2018, 26 p.

Posted by Samuel Montiège